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The week that was

  I'm happy to put last week behind us. I found myself getting way too distracted and disenchanted with some unforced errors (to use the baseball metaphor) in the effort to get the studio fully completed. In the process, I used too many bad words and allowed my temper to run away on me. Now, to be fair, the heat didn't help. Feeling too warm for hours at a time puts me into a mood on the best of days. Sprinkle in some delays, communication breakdowns and inexplicable errors, and I was not at my best. There have been some challenges with the installation of the air conditioning system in the studio building. Efforts were made by SEED Homes, SOBO Plumbing and Heating and Bold Electric to get everything up and running by the weekend. Unfortunately, all of that time and effort was for not, as there appears to be some issues with the AC unit right out of the box. So, despite the great work of people like Mike, Shawn, Darcy, Doug, Cory, Amit, Ralf and others, we still have no air con

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