25 Day Challenge


I spent the first 25 days of January doing a painting a day in support of Bracelets For Buildings/Carpenters For Cambodia (B4B/C4C). I set out to paint more females - as I find them more difficult - and to improve my portrait skills. I got so many suggestions from fans and followers, some of which I was able to incorporate into this challenge. 

Some people saw this exercise as a significant effort. However, for me it was just play - a great way to kick off the year and create an interesting body of work.

As of Monday, January 27th, eight of the 25 have sold and an additional 5 have bids in our 25 Day Challenge online auction. This means we are closing in on the $3,000 mark as our donation to B4B/C4C. 

We had our third successful Paint Your Pooch workshop on Friday. We stretched things a little during this one as two participants chose to paint their horse and cat, respectively. I'm probably going to need to rebrand this workshop as "Paint Your Pet". It might open up a whole new line of business. Our future workshops can be found here.

Birdsong Studios also hosted our first birthday painting party on the weekend. The group of largely eight-year-olds seemed to have a great time. I had pre-sketched canvases with a number of different animals: dog, cat, fish, turtle and a cow. The event started at 10 am and they were all done with cake and presents by noon. For the parents, it provided both a fun activity and a location for a larger group of kids. Each left with a copy of our book Colours of the Wild: Animals of the Americas

As the week goes along, I will continue to work on a number of commissions, promote the auction, and get ready for a significant event in our backyard. An arborist confirmed our greatest fear: that our three maple trees are at significant risk of falling. To proactively protect ourselves, and our neighbours, the trees will come down. Thankfully, our friend is going to be able to use the trunks for future wood-working projects. So, all is not lost. 


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