Breathing into relaxation

On every journey, whether it is somewhere in Canada or on the other side of the world, it takes me a few days to get into the groove of being on holiday.  It takes time for me to slough off the cares and worries of life back home, business and the logistics of the journey itself.  I feel like I am at that point now, here in Deep Cove in North Vancouver.  

Heather and I went for a 9 km walk in the forest yesterday, going at a leisurely slow pace, stopping often to take pictures and soak in the sights, smells and wonders of a west coast forest.  Because we ambled the whole way, it really didn’t feel like 9 kilometres.  With myriad heritage trees that stretched up higher than we could see, it was a magical experience. 

“That’s exactly what I needed,” shared Heather, shaking off the emotional waves that came in after dropping our youngest son off at university to officially start his adult life. 

Deep Cove is a tiny village community with a lot of history and character.  We are going to get an inside perspective on the history from Michael and Eileen Smith, avid community volunteers and founders of First Impressions Theatre.  They are taking us on a boat ride up Indian Arm, a glacial fjord adjacent to the city of Vancouver.  

We have been generously hosted by dear friends Claude and Tiffany.  We haven’t been able to spend time with them in a number of years, but it really feels like no time has passed at all.  


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