New Beginnings

Heather and I drove Ben across the southern edge of British Columbia along with a trailer filled with his most precious things including three guitars, keyboard and computer.  We went through beautiful mountain towns and cities along the Crowsnest Highway that were entirely new to me:  Trail, Creston, Cranbrook, Rossland, and Osoyoos to name a few.  We then came into the Fraser Valley piercing through Chilliwack, Abbotsford, Langley and Surrey.  We were somewhat worried about hitting fires along the way, but with the exception of a few wisps after Osoyoos, it was a smoke and fire free drive.

Ben’s move in day at UBC was set for Sunday.  We arrived shortly after students were allowed to check-in, along with hundreds of excited students and anxious parents.  The logistics were a little challenging for us as we were towing a small trailer.  But we made it work.  We had 15 minutes to unpack and get everything loaded into his room.  Because we had to get the vehicle out of there and we had no place to park with the trailer, quick goodbyes needed to be said and hugs had.  I suspect the quickness was shocking for Ben, but it allowed him the day to get unpacked and settled in.  

My reflection about dropping our youngest son off at university is that I focus so much on the logistics of things, that there is little room for emotion.  The same thing happened with our last major transition: moving from Fort McMurray to Okotoks.  That said, I could feel the emotional undercurrents happening with both Ben and Heather.  For Ben, it was the first time being completely on his own.  For Heather, her baby was leaving the nest..  These are huge things.  I felt waves of emotions myself as we drove away and I tapped into what Ben was undoubtedly feeling.  I remember how discombobulated I felt started out in a new place when I was young and how vital it was for me to unpack and get my things in order.  I am still that way.

We are spending a few days with Claude, Tiffany, and Mado in their beautiful spot in Deep Cove (North Vancouver).  It gives us both a chance to unwind and get re-energized for both the long journey home and the exciting and busy fall ahead.  Seeing the glorious old growth forests and spending time on the water will be wonderful.


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