SEED Home #1


As a first of its kind, our SEED Home is somewhat of a curiosity. The concept of an environmentally sustainable home that arrived on a truck and unfolded caught a lot of attention as 2023 came to a close. Since then, the SEED Home concept has caught fire and is evolving into a viable and affordable housing option no matter where you are in the world.  At some point in the construction process, there were some gentlemen checking things out for a potential purchase for land that they have down in the Bahamas. 

We have been living in the space fully for several weeks as all the finishing details got completed. For the first month of living here, we couldn't feel settled because there were workers here most days. What are the key discoveries after about three weeks?

1. The LIGHT is incredible. We really can't say it any other way. The choices Heather made in terms of windows, patio doors, and the main entrance door with glass panels were perfect. The light grabs your attention at all points in the day. 

2. The house is QUIET. As the furnace is in a separate structure on the back end of the house and the home is insulated so well, we barely hear a thing. It sounds and feels peaceful.

3. After the heating panic that ensued during the polar vortex and after adjustments were made, the house is super comfortable and WARM. 

4. The size of the home is PERFECT for our downsized lifestyle. The cabinets that Heather chose for the master and guest bedrooms and entry way provide ample storage. There were times before moving in when I was really questioning how much space we would have.

5. "What do you think of the Trusscore wall panels?" asked Dave Blanchett, Account Executive with SEED Homes during a video tour today. I don't remember exactly what we said but I know we talked about how the concept of having walls made from recycled plastics really resonated with us from the beginning. What we were unsure about was how the Trusscore walls and ceilings were going to feel, aesthetically. We actually love it. Super easy to clean, very modern looking, and bright. 

We still have some distance to travel with the full project. The studio building is slated to come in late in March. Spring will follow shortly after and we'll be getting ready for the installation of fencing and landscaping. The decking will be the final piece of the puzzle. My guess is that by the time summer comes to an end, our downsized High River property will be fully realized. 

We are talking with SEED Homes to arrange an open house weekend, so potential purchasers can tour the inaugural project and discover what the finished product looks and feels like. 

In the meantime, here is a video walk through by David Blanchett with SEED Homes.



  1. I would be very very interested in your open house. Please 🙏 Jill G


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