Precious things that make a house a HOME

 With all the closets put together and the finishing details done, it was finally time to bring in the boxes of books that we had temporarily stashed in our storage locker. They almost completely filled the back of the car when I went to pick them up on Sunday.

One by one, we ripped them open, placed the books on the IKEA shelves and then flattened the box. After about 15 boxes, the shelves were near capacity and all of our books were back with us. The flattened box all went to the recycling centre.

It is important to both of us to be surrounded by books. I love nothing better than running my fingers over a good book collection and seeing what they find. I'm not sure where I get this proclivity. We had books in our house when I was growing up, but not a vast collection. I had an uncle who had an impressive little library that always drew me in. On the other hand, it's easy to see where Heather gets her love of books. Her parents have an awesome collection, as did her late grandfather from Winnipeg. 

If you look closely, several clumps of authors might stick out.
There is a grouping of Terry Fallis novels, nonfiction titles by Malcolm Gladwell, a half shelf of Diana Gaboldan (Outlander) and a nice collection of books by Calgary's Will Ferguson. I'm so grateful to see Tim Hurson's Think Better on the shelf as it connects to my Mindcamp family, who I miss terribly.

Yesterday I dashed out to the storage unit to get our "precious" art.
These are the paintings that we've either purchased or have been gifted over the years. I am particularly excited to get our Steve Coffey, Leslie Starr and Christina Walker paintings up on the wall. We just need to make some decisions about locations first. 
You might wonder how we'll hang art as we don't have traditional walls made of drywall. Instead, ours are made of a recycled PVC material made by Trusscore. We'll be using various options in the 3M Command line. This system offers a wide range of options for hanging art and various other things around the house without putting holes in the walls or causing damage.

The very last thing to come back will be Heather's collection of house plants. They have been lovingly cared for by Brian and Dale Fea in Okotoks these past six months. God bless them both. That final touch of having a few living, breathing, green things on table tops and counters will be the piece de resistance in turning house into home. 


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