Constantly evolving

Over the past few weeks I've been cleaning out my iPhoto library, trashing photos that might have served a purpose at the time, but now are just a space hog.  After about four or five forays into the photographic stacks I've permanently deleted well over a thousand photos and created about 10 Gb in space.  My computer is much happier, as am I, for having taken another decluttering step.

The library stretches way back and by going through and cleaning up images allows me to see my evolution.  Long before I started on this painting track, something inside of me was itching to get out.  I was sketching constantly, trying to figure out the world visually.  Through mind mapping, I started getting a sense of myself during a period of professional discombobulation.  Eventually, I had my long-awaited moment of clarity that I needed to make painting a personal priority.  It was a moment years in the making.

Dylan posted a picture on Instagram yesterday of a 5-foot by 5-foot collage piece I had done 15 years ago.  It is a portrait of Maya Angelou that now lives at his Uncle Jim's house in Fort McKay.  The work I was doing back then was similar to what I'm doing now, just minus the colour.  I stumbled across this portrait of Einstein while cleaning out my library this morning.  It is among a large number of black, white and yellow pieces.

I am evolving all the time.  Each piece moves me forward into new territory and techniques.  In a sense, it's impossible to go backward and do work in a similar voice to what I was doing at the beginning.  The colours have changed as has the approach.

Where will I go artistically in the next months and years?  I have no idea.  That is the beauty of it.  For now, I'm working on a long list of requests interspersed with spontaneous projects.  I appreciate the forbearance of my clients who have been waiting for months, sometimes longer, for me to get started on their commission requests.  Each painting has its time, when I'm ready to jump in and make it happen.  Some have been waiting longer than others.


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