A moment of beauty

What do you when you see a moment of brilliance or beauty?  Do you stop and savour it?  Do you share it?

I sat across from my colleague Beth at work last week and listened to her make phone calls to parents about the Tools for School program.  It was one of the best demonstrations of customer service that I had ever heard or observed.  Beth was brilliant.  I stopped what I was doing, savoured it, then shared it.  Later in the day, I also expressed to her directly what an incredible job she was doing.  I think it was important.  Scratch that; I know it was important.

I got home from work yesterday and looked out the window above the sink into the backyard.  A glint of light caught my eye.  It was a single leaf, seemingly dancing in the air, suspended about three feet off the ground in front of our fence. I rushed outside with my iPhone to grab a 30 second video clip which I then posted to Facebook.  Between then and now it has been viewed over a thousand times.

Every day, there are moments that happen, with people and in nature.  These bursts of beauty and brilliance are fleeting; if you're not open to them they will pass you by.  Be mindful of the magic that surrounds you, pay it forward by sharing it with others.  You will make the world a better place.


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