Ideal Protein, Week Four

The weight and the inches are dropping off gradually, yet steadily, that without fanfare and very little notice I look (and feel) trim.  I had Ben snap a picture yesterday morning and posted it on Facebook and the words of congratulations and encouragement starting pouring in.  Thank you!

This was a crazy busy week with the opening of our Fort Chipewyan Campus and a full day in our province's oldest continuously inhabited settlement.  Standing out in the parking lot feeling the pulse of the drummers and their song as the sound waves bounced off the new building was amazing.  The acoustics and the moment were perfect as Chair Margo Vermillion welcomed everyone, reflecting the wonderful spirit and energy of the day.

I especially enjoyed talking with several local residents, hearing their stories, concerns and unbridled passion for their community.  The work that Tanya Dashcavich is doing with the Aurora Spirit Dancers is so important, giving young people a tangible connection to their wonderful traditions.  It was great to soak in the wisdom and warmth of elder Janet Voyageur, to chat with Lori Powder and Kevin Martin, and to meet some of our municipal staff.  It was a delight to have an engaging conversation with Darren Mercredi about his Northern Wolves drum group, featured in the above photo.

Most of Wednesday was spent attending a workshop hosted by the Wood Buffalo Business Development Initiative featuring David Saxby called Marketing in the New Millennium.  It was a great reminder of how much the world of marketing and communication has changed, integrating social media into the mix.  I got the sense that the 50+ participants got a lot out of the full day of learning.  There were more than a few light bulb moments in the room as the day proceeded.  You'll likely see increased activity in the social media world in the coming days.

On Thursday, the Fort McMurray Public School Division opened their new junior high school, École McTavish.  As I came in the building the energy coming from inside was thunderous.  The student body, parents and community members were gathered in the gymnasium, cheering as the gaggle of dignitaries streamed in to officially open this incredible new learning facility.

This picture, taken by Paula Ogonoski, captures the excitement of the student body.  It was an honour to be there, thinking of the McTavish's, who founded our first public school 100 years ago, as they looked down from heaven with pride.

Our President, Dr. Kevin Nagel, shared the new strategic and sustainable direction of Keyano College to members of the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday during a luncheon.  The concept of moving to a zero-waste reality was shared, as the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo and Keyano College plan to work together to turn our waste into electricity and heat.  It's exciting to imagine the potential of being a region that becomes a sustainability champion that others can follow.  It's even more exciting to be a college that is leading the way in terms of helping to shape the future of the region we serve.

As the Clearwater River valley turns into the painted forest and we dive into what promises to be a beautiful weekend, I just got back from my weekly weigh-in and measuring session.

"You are an anomaly," she declared, as I had dropped 5.2 pounds in a week when weight loss normally slows down.

I've been called worse, I thought myself as I packed up my groceries and walked out the door, smiling.


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