Because it's there...

The Christmas season is particularly hard for those of us trying to be disciplined about our diets.  More chocolates, salted nuts, and assorted sugar-soaked goodies are lying around than at any other time of year.  The temptations to turn the other cheek are everywhere, taking my dietary stoicism and smashing it against the serving plate.

I've been munching on salted pistachio nuts, chocolate covered fruit (there has to be some enduring qualities to those portions, right?), and ginger cookies.  I've also had the odd sip of red wine and a couple gulps of sherry.

"I hate it when we have all these goodies lying around," said Heather.  "Because I can't help myself."

I feel the same way, although I feel an overwhelming need to practice instant forgiveness - it was fun to imbibe with impunity, if only for a few days.

Now that Boxing Day, Christmas Day and the long lead up to the season are over, it is GAME ON.  I stepped on the scale this morning and found out that I had climbed about the 180-pound plateau for the first time in months.  I had been hovering between 176 and 177 for weeks, with a few forays above 178.

So, it's back to Phase 1 of the Ideal Protein program to reset the pancreas and get back to my ideal weight. This will be good practice for me as a week long trip to Mexico is looming in my future, along with a couple of jaunts to the States.

While I enjoyed the many cheats over the past few weeks, especially those of the sweet variety, I enjoy the feeling of being healthy more, of knowing that my body is in balance, that all the right things are going in.  When I'm on track with my eating, my brain is sharper, I have more energy, and all feels right with the world.

It's nice having a program like this to come back to.  I'm looking forward to a trip to BACK on TRACK with BARB so that I can stock up on supplies.  It'll be nice having my program-approved munchies to help me combat the assorted temptations that are still around, lingering after-effects of the holidays.

Meanwhile, it's time to do some work on my wardrobe.  Despite the small weight gain of the past few days, too many of my pants, shirts and suits are way too big, even my newest pair of jeans that seemed to fit perfectly when I bought them in October.  Today's primary agenda item is a trip to Bob Barrett's Men Apparel to make a significant investment in my wardrobe, and a further commitment to this healthy journey that I embarked on back in August.


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