Meandering walks and berry picking

 We went on a meandering hike in the hills behind Heather’s parents’ place in Hillcrest Mines to start our day. The long grasses were dripping with dew and the low spots were filled with water from the rain that had fallen the day before. It was cool enough to be wearing a long sleeve shirt especially when walking in the shade. The morning sun, when it emerged through the trees, warmed things up immediately.

Raspberry and Saskatoon bushes were brimming with berries, which heightened our awareness of the possibility that a bear could be around the next corner.

“Hey Bear!” roared Heather, which not only alerted the bears that we were in the neighbourhood, it let the dogs know that something was up. The piles of fresh bear scat made us extra cautious.

That hike ended up being just under 6 km, not far by our usual standards, but enough of a walk to make my legs feel heavy. The exertion of our moving days reduced my endurance.

After a lunch of Dutch pea soup and a nap, we went out to a nice berry patch to pick Saskatoons.

I can’t remember the last time I stood in the thorny bushes picking berries. With no mosquitoes and very few flies  it was quite pleasant. All four of us drifted in our own separate directions and came back with enough berries to fill an ice cream bucket. 

I think we are both starting to relax into these transition days between houses. The rests, walks and berries will do us good. 


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