Ask me how I really feel


There have been several times in this selling/buying/moving/waiting process where I have spiralled. Waves of anxiety have nearly drowned me. Through the many setbacks and delays, I have fallen into a bad self-preservation habit of expecting the worst. Instead of anticipating a positive outcome, I've become a bit of a cynic, imagining the worst possible news so that anything slightly better would feel like a win. It's not a healthy technique to use and I'm trying to avoid it as best I can.

We are on pins and needles waiting for the Town of High River to give us the green light. The last time we were waiting on this news they came back with 18 points that needed to be addressed or clarified. That meant another two week delay that has knocked us into winter. We are expecting to hear their response tomorrow or Thursday at the latest.

I have to remind myself that everything we are putting into this build, emotionally and financially, is an investment in our future. It's not like we're throwing money, time and energy out the window. These challenges and tensions are serving a higher purpose: a downsized quality life in High River.  It's our opportunity to plug into a new community and neighbourhood. We can't wait to contribute and connect. 

Heather and I keep waiting for the flag to drop so we can race to the finish line. We thought the flag was about to drop several times in the past few months, only to be gut punched into more agonizing waiting. 

The SEED Homes team has been walking with us through the journey, helping us in innumerable ways, particularly providing the expertise to deal with all permitting and deep services issues. Without them, we would have been lost. Our home has also served a higher purpose in elevating their story and the role they can play is addressing the housing crisis in so many communities across the country (and world). Getting the first SEED Home off the line is incredibly important to them, and we are honoured to be the family that benefits from their efforts.


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