SEED Home update

 In the middle of the season's first snowstorm, I have to admit that we both thought we'd be happily nestled in our SEED Home in High River by now. However, reality had something different in mind.

The house itself is in the process of being buttoned up and folded up, in preparation to be transported down the highway from SE Calgary to High River. This process could take a number of days as it is the first time the SEED Homes team is doing the folding. There is no rush as a lot of work has to happen before things are ready at the site.
We anxiously are awaiting approval of our Deep Services Site Plan (DSSP). This is the project that has to happen first before anything happens on our land. It was discovered very late in the process that we didn't have water and sewer service to the property line. To say that was a surprise would be an understatement. It is proving to be a time consuming and expensive surprise.

Once the DSSP nod comes in we hope to get approval on the Development Permit, which green lights everything else including trenching on the land and the placement of engineered screw piles. The delivery of the house would follow shortly thereafter. 

When the house gets placed, it will be unfolded, welded to the screw piles, and the roof panels secured. All of the finishing work will happen inside the home including the laying of the bamboo floor, tile work, window installation, and various other details. The deck would be built, too. 

As I sit here typing, I can't help but wonder how much of this will happen on cold days and what effect, if any, that will have on the process and the budget. 

When do I realistically think we might be in our home sleeping for the first time? Such a good question. Best case scenario, based on all of the above, some time in November. Worst case scenario, before the holidays. I'll be home for Christmas is taking on new meaning this year.


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