SEED Homes Open House

 Our SEED Homes house is almost done. While we await final permit approvals, the SEED Homes team is opening their manufacturing facility doors to offer tours of their very first SEED home.

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Portions of the home will be staged with furniture and flooring. Other areas will offer a clear view of its robust super structure. You will get a sense of size, space and light. You will get a glimpse of the construction process and the robustness of the build. 
This is the front end of something new, exciting and sustainable. Interest in what the SEED Homes team is doing has come from far flung places around the world. There is a housing crisis right now, and the idea of getting a state-of-the-art home that will last for 100 years for $200,000 is pretty alluring. While it is possible to get a sense of things looking at pictures on Facebook, stepping into the real thing takes you to a whole other level of appreciation.

The SEED Homes design speaks to changes happening to our environment and the housing crunch being faced by many different countries. These homes are designed to move - anywhere - and they are designed to last. In talking to the engineer who designed the house, it is built incredibly strong, able to withstand a direct hit from a tornado. Its metal clad exterior makes it much more fire resistant than traditional builds. With loads of thermal windows, the home will be bathed in natural light. It will be warm, with in-floor electric heat and R30+ insulation in the walls and ceiling. 

After the open house, the home will be folded up using hinges that have been engineered for the task. It will be driven down the road to our land in High River, placed on engineered screw piles, then unfolded. The roof will go on, windows installed, and all the finishing work completed. As most of the detailed work has been done, it will only take a couple of days to get it ready for final inspection on site. 


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