The biggest delivery we've ever received

We are accepting delivery of the biggest package of our lives today: our 1,200 sq ft house from SEED Homes. It rolls into High River around 9 am and will be lifted by a 75 ton crane on to 16 engineered screw piles. From there, our future of living will literally unfold. 

This is where the project began in the third week of July at the SEED Homes manufacturing facility in southeast Calgary. 

It's been a journey. I'm not going to lie. We had to deal with more than a few surprises and unforeseen (or misunderstood) delays and expenses. Never having been through a new build, it was a significant learning experience. If only we knew then what we know now.  But isn't that just life?

Today will be all about getting the house attached to the screw piles, unfolded and the roof placed. Tomorrow will likely be the installation of doors and windows. It's all going to happen fast and furious over the next few weeks.

To err on the side of caution, we have booked our former Artist's Loft on Elma Street for the month of December. None of us know for certain how long all the finishing details will take and we didn't want to be scrambling for a place to live.

Our hope is to get our occupancy permit and be able to officially move in before Christmas. 


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