Home for Christmas


If there is one thing we keep learning on this moving adventure it is to expect the unexpected. Our contractor was scheduled to start the underground work today. However, they are dealing with an emergency situation that has delayed them by a number of days, perhaps a week, maybe more. Their delay means moving the house onto the lot is pushed back which means all the finishing work is pushed back, too.

This was not the news any of us wanted to hear to start the week, but there it is. While it seemed that our current living situation was going to sustain us until our house was ready, we had to scramble to figure out what to do.

In a circle of life kind of moment, we were able to book the loft at our former Elma Street home with new owners Josh and Ashlee. Rather than booking it for an optimistic couple of weeks, I erred on the side of caution and booked it right to the New Year. If we get hit with more delays, I want us to be ready, rather than in another scrambling situation. It will be our seventh or eighth landing place since starting this process. Despite yet another resting place, being at our former Elma Street location will feel familiar and allow us to bring Coco and Shay (our dogs) back from the north, where they have been lovingly cared for by my sister and brother-in-law since September.

So now it looks like the house might land on our lot around the 27th of November. We also got new information that the finishing work could take two or three weeks, way longer than we imagined. Somehow we keep getting the wrong impression on the timing of things.  We hear optimistic timelines and set them in our brains as fact, instead of asking for clarification. 

If everything goes as planned - as best we understand it today - we might get occupancy of our home the week before the holidays. Getting home for Christmas has taken on a whole new meaning for us. 


  1. Wow trials and tribulations of moving !!!!!!


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