Sweep into September

It feels like I skipped the last day in August.  When I looked up and saw that yesterday was September 1st, I was a little befuddled. It turns out I was a full day behind.

Dylan and Heather left for Montreal on Friday morning.  He to attend National Theatre School; she to help stock him up with supplies and get properly settled.  Dylan specifically asked her to do the trip, as Heather is a much more discerning shopper than I am. 

They have been very successful, getting much of the shopping done and getting into the apartment earlier than expected.  They were able to celebrate with a late dinner last night.

The apartment is just a block or two from National Theatre School.  It is perfect for Dylan in so many ways.  It is a vibrant neighbourhood with lots of young people who walk and bike to where they need to go.  There is a treasure trove of restaurants, pubs and small shops.  And it is so close to where he needs to go.

On the home front, I've spent a few days putting Dylan's bedroom into hibernation mode.  All the stuff he had to leave behind is carefully sorted, boxed and stored in his closet, ready for when he is ready to permanently settle after his three year program. 


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