It's a wrap


The final step in preparing Birdsong Studio 3.0 for its 40 minutes drive south on a flat bed trailer is a wrap. Stephen Morgan, CEO of SEED Homes and Cegen Environmental Group, did a short video yesterday of the 900 square foot building all folded up into a package that is less than 10 feet wide. 

When our 1,100 square foot home arrive in late November all wrapped up, it seemed so small sitting on the street waiting for the crane to lift it into place. I almost can't imagine how small this building will feel.

The action will happen tomorrow morning at our property in High River. The crane will show up first and get set up. Next to arrive will be the flat bed truck with the house and the SEED Homes crew. The load with the ceiling panels and assorted extra pieces will be next. If all goes well, the building will be placed on the screw piles, unwrapped, unfolded and put together all in a single day.

I can't get too excited as a lot of finishing work needs to happen before we can occupy Birdsong Studio 3.0. I don't know the order of things, but flooring needs to go in, then inside walls, doors and various other things. It will likely take a week or two for everything to get done and final inspection to happen. 

"Had you ever been through the process of a new build before?" someone asked the other day in a research interview about Trusscore, the recycled pvc product that covers our walls and ceiling. The answer from a housing perspective is a firm no. However, I did serve as project manager for the development of a non profit shared office in Fort McMurray. There are similarities and differences. What is the same is the need for clear, respectful and consistent communication. What is different is that having a house or studio made is much more personal. In other words, it's harder to emotionally remove yourself from a project that is so strongly linked to your life and identity.

How am I feeling on the eve of the arrival of our beloved creative space, office and Bird's Nest (a small in-law suite)? Truthfully, I'm equally at peace as excited. I trust that all go well tomorrow and that the SEED Homes team will knock this install out of the park. I feel it in my bones. 

I'm excited for Heather to make the call to the storage company that has our pod full of studio supplies. That will happen in the final stages when the SEED Homes team gives us access to the studio portion of the new building. Being able to fully move into the new space will allow us to turn our extra bedroom in the house from temporary art studio and Ideal Protein storage into the guest bedroom it's meant to be. It will allow me to set up my office in the new building and have a permanent place for my computer, monitor and assorted bits and bobs. It will invite both of us to stretch out and create with an abundance of space.

Happening concurrently with the finishing of Birdsong Studio 3.0 will be the completion of fencing, decking and landscaping being brilliantly done by Farmboy Landscaping based here in High River. Dave, Steve, Brett and Connor have done a great job for us so far and will help us transition from what has been a construction zone to a livable and growable yard. Heather is very excited to get her fingers in the dirt. I'm excited to create order in the chaos that has been our outdoor reality since we moved in.


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