Day 6 - a local legend

When I pulled out the prompt, "a local legend you haven't painted yet", on Day 6 of my 18 Day Painting Challenge, I had to really think.  Several people had suggested somebody quite well known and respected who had passed away quite recently.  The truth is that I didn't feel comfortable painting that person without touching base with the family first to get their blessing.  Instead, I picked a local legend who is still making a difference; he also happens to be a member of our family, through my older son Dylan.

Jim Boucher has been Chief of the Fort McKay First Nation for as long as I can remember.  He is the brother of Dylan's grandma, which would make him Dylan's great uncle (I think).  Through Jim's leadership and the work of the many band councils and staff, Fort McKay has grown into a rather impressive little community.  They have also been very successful in business, balancing their respect for traditional ways and the land with the need to find a sustainable future for their people.

I'm not sure why, but I decided to return to my wild colour roots with this one.  Over time, I've have slowly been integrating more flesh tones in my portraits.  The wild colours tend to get added near the end, small flourishes of greens, blues, and yellows.  With this portrait of Chief Boucher I brought in the warm and dark colours to the right side of the face right away, then the cool and bright colours to the left side.

Jim is a dynamic leader, and this wild colour approach seemed to fit the man.  It was fun to return to this style and play with an alternate way of doing portraits.  I hope to do more like this in the coming weeks and months.

Chief Jim Boucher, 10" x 20", acrylic on canvas

Of course, Day 6's painting is available for purchase with all proceeds supporting the build of a house for a family in need in Cambodia in November of 2018 with Bracelets 4 Buildings.  We saw firsthand how moving a family from a rickety shack to a solid shelter can change lives in a beautiful and significant way.


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