The walls will rise

Early in January, I came up with the crazy idea of doing an 18 Day Painting Challenge.  The "18" was simply to honour the year.  The challenge, initially, was to help me adjust my sleeping/waking patterns and shake things up artistically, pushing my skills and seeing where a daily creative exercise would take me.  It quickly became a perfect way to start the fundraising effort for our next home build in Cambodia with Bracelets 4 Buildings.  I thought that between selling the more popular pieces like James Hetfield, Tesla and Chief Sitting Bull and selling the remaining works of art in a post-challenge online auction, there was an outside chance that we might raise enough to cover the construction costs.

We did it!  Walls are going to go up later on this year because of you and a family's life is going to improve dramatically.

Bidders from Winnipeg, Calgary, Cold Lake, Fort McMurray, Fort McKay and Evansville (Indiana) put us over the top in terms of being able to buy things like lumber, concrete, siding, doors and windows.  It will also provide employment for local labourers and carpenters. 

We are grateful to everyone who participated in the bidding and everyone else who followed along.  I had a wonderful time doing the challenge and feel that it did everything that I had hoped it would.


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