Gratitude and Thanksgiving

I've declared it FRIENDLY FRIDAY, a day to put politics aside and remember that behind every candidate is a human being, somebody who had the courage of their convictions to put their name on a ballot willing to serve the great people of this region.  We may have different opinions, platforms, backgrounds, and reasons for running, but I believe we all share a love for this place we call home.

My challenge to candidates and constituents alike is to pause and reflect on the good qualities of the person or persons who you are not supporting, who you don't agree with.

Take a couple of deep breaths.....then close your eyes.  Take a moment for the good of that person to wash over you.  Allow gratitude and thankfulness to rise up through your gut, up into your lungs and heart, and finally into your mind.

We live in a nation where democracy rules and where the people truly decide who gets to represent them.  What a gift, passed along to us from our forefathers who had the vision and fortitude to ensure this was the Canada we would inherit.  There is no better time than on a Thanksgiving weekend to have a conversation or two about what this really means.

There have been a lot of questions lobbed and stones cast in the last four weeks, accusations, assertions, innuendo, and ingratitude.  That is part of the democratic process.  However, as we get swept away in the rhetoric and rancor, we unknowingly become more spiteful and hurtful, without even realizing it.

I'm grateful to each and every candidate, their families and supporters, for stepping forward and putting themselves out there during this 2013 municipal election campaign.  I hope you have a great Thanksgiving weekend and enjoy a well-deserved break with your family.


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