Ideal two days

Heather and I have both been “eating the sheet” for two days.  The sheet in question is a list of all the approved foods and drinks in the Ideal Protein protocol’s Phase One.  We both felt sensational after day one, but Heather ended up feeling a little bit of the “keto flu”, as her carb tank (easily accessible sugar stores) continued to drain on Day 2. I have felt pretty great with the exception of a slight headache as I fell asleep last night. On the morning of Day 3, I feel right as rain. Heather was also feeling lots of hunger pangs on Day 2. I had none. However, I get the sense that my pancreas adjusts quicker to the protocol, as I have done it several times in the past. 

The Ideal Protein program is pretty simple.

Breakfast is an Ideal Protein meal. Lunch is 2 cups of select vegetables and and Ideal Protein meal.  Supper is 8 oz of whole protein (meat, fish, chicken,etc) and 2 cups of vegetables. For a snack we have one more Ideal Protein meal. Our calorie intake is greatly reduced, while still getting the ideal amount of protein to prevent lost of lean muscle.

We have IP supplements that we take to ensure our bodies are getting all the nutrients required that we’re not getting by limiting carbs and fats: potassium, multi-vitamins, calcium-magnesium, and Omega 3s. 

I have noticed that my restless legs issue is much better taking the magnesium supplement.

Water is super important. The minimum required is 64 oz per day. I’m drinking almost 100 by day’s end. 

That’s it. Rinse and repeat until the weight is gone.

After two days, I am down 6.4 pounds.

Want to learn more about the Ideal Protein program? Send us a text at (403)910-0843.  If you call, be sure to leave a message with your name and why you’re calling.  Alternatively, you can email


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