RIP Christina

A member of our Keyano Theatre and interPLAY families has left us far too soon.  Christina faced her cancer diagnosis with courage, determination and optimism.  And even though in recent months those close to her thought she had turned a corner, the universe had other plans.

Christina joined the interPLAY board over 10 years ago.  She served as our secretary that whole time, and still served as secretary of the Events Wood Buffalo board until 9:55 last night.

She was also the box office manager for many of those years.  I relied on her for many things, including meeting minutes and box office numbers at the end of the festival, but more importantly, for her positive attitude, generous spirit and her amazing smile.

Our community has suffered a great loss, as has her beautiful family - a loss that is heaven's gain; God has welcomed a brilliant angel to his slo-pitch team.


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