Hard to let go

I did a little contest last night on my Russell Thomas Art Facebook page.  I asked people to guess which painting or print in the Art March online auction is the one I'm most attached to.  The people who guessed correctly are going into a draw for a free t-shirt featuring my recent, and very colourful, portrait of Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong.

This was an exercise in getting in my head, a simple place to navigate most of the time.  What piece do I hold near and dear to my heart.  There are several, certainly.

The Thailand Elephant has been keeping me company for the better part of two months.  I love this one a lot, but is definitely time to let it go and allow another family to enjoy it.

The Monk's Blessing is also a very special piece.  However, I actually let this one go shortly after it was created.

As I reviewed all the items in the auction last night, my eyes kept coming back to one and feeling a sense of dread that it may soon be gone.  It was the portrait of Miles Davis.  His eyes kept drawing me in.  This was the second in the new series inspired by a dream.

At some level, I'm attached to most of the pieces that I do.  However, there are a few that I would be quite happy having on the feature wall of Birdsong Studio for a long time.  Miles is absolutely one of those.


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