
I think my wife is wondering what the hell has gotten into me.  Where I used to go out fishing for an hour or two in the evening or on weekends, I now spend many more hours in the shop/studio pumping out paintings at a rate that feels a wee bit manic.

As I tried to sleep tonight, the house a tepid 29-degrees, the phrase "super-charged" popped into my head as an appropriate description of my recent state of being.  It's not just painting; I'm also flying full tilt boogie with my new job with the United Way; I just finished a successful Illuminate Talent Search; and I'm 100 percent committed to my Ideal Protein program.

I'm arguably in the best shape of my mid-adult life, my creative juices are free-flowing, and I'm enthused and inspired to go to work every morning.

It struck me that I am coming off a two to three year stretch when things were unsettled, at times uncomfortable, and most definitely uncertain.  For the first time in a long time I don't feel those things.  In a sense, I feel unleashed, unbound and more focused than I have been in years.

"You look a little tired my friend," said a colleague the other day.  She was right, though it took me by surprise to hear it.  The hot temperatures and late nights of painting have combined to leave me with a lot less sleep than normal.  It is understandable that I might be physically wearing out, as we've had little respite from the overbearing heat.

I will get some much needed rest next week as Dylan and I fly out to Ontario for Mindcamp, Canada's Creativity Conference.  Some people go camping, others take exotic holidays; I go to a gathering of like-minded creative souls.  Set at beautiful YMCA Geneva Park, Mindcamp will give us a chance to commune with nature and friends.  I'm hoping the weather over there is a little more moderate than what we've been experiencing in Alberta.

Meanwhile, I will continue painting, as long as inspiration continues to strike.  It's a muscle that I am happy to exercise as it could serve us very well in our retirement years.  The thought of having a little studio/gallery/yoga retreat somewhere is one that is slowing forming in my mind.  I think that would be a nice way to slow down and still generate a modest income.


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